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Activities in Fossil Creek: Must Read Before Travel

You set out for a weekend of adventure in Fossil Creek, Arizona, ready to hike, swim, and climb into an early grave. At least that’s how it felt after your ill-fated attempt to scale Flume Falls, a picturesque 60-foot waterfall that looked much more scalable in your Instagram feed.

As your foot slipped for the third time on the moss-covered rocks, sending a cascade of water and a few choice curse words echoing through the canyon, you began to question how exactly you ended up clinging to the side of this natural death trap. But then you remembered—you came for adventure in one of Arizona’s hidden gems, and adventure is exactly what you got.

Hiking the Trails Around Fossil Creek

So you want to hike to Fossil Creek’s spectacular waterfall, eh? Let me warn you, those “moderate” trails the park rates can turn treacherous. Take it from me, the foolhardy weekend warrior who nearly met her doom on those slippery rocks.

a man in a hat walking through a canyon

After gearing up with hiking boots, poles, and more water than any sane person could possibly need, you’ll head down the Waterfall Trail. At first, it’s a leisurely stroll through pine forests as you go to the creek. But then the trail starts descending, and those sturdy rocks become sloping stones.

When you’ve slipped and stumbled down, the trail spits you out at the base of a stunning 50-foot waterfall. Its misty veil and turquoise pool seem heaven-sent after that knee-jarring hike. But don’t get too comfortable, trail champ—you’ve got to climb back out.

As you gaze upwards at the trail, the cliff face looms ominous and near-vertical. “Moderate hike” was clearly named by someone with a death wish. But you’ve come this far, so you grit your teeth and begin the ascent, using hands, poles, and the occasional prayer.

Halfway up, your legs start to shake. Your breath comes in gasps. Vertigo kicks in as you realize one misstep could send you tumbling back to the creek below. This is how I die, you think. Washed up on the shores of Fossil Creek, another victim of hubris and poor trail ratings.

Somehow, you persevere. Hauling yourself over the final ledge, you collapse on solid ground, overcome with relief and a new appreciation for level terrain. You’ve conquered the Waterfall Trail and lived to tell the tale. Next time though, you might just stick to the visitor center. The waterfall photos there should be thrilling enough.


Swimming in the Crystal Clear Waters

The swimming holes of Fossil Creek are natural wonders you have to experience to believe. Just make sure you come prepared – both physically and mentally. These pristine pools aren’t for the faint of heart.

You’ll embark on a hike that feels more like an obstacle course to reach the main swimming area. Scaling boulders, edging along cliffs, and balancing on slippery rocks are par for the course. By the time you arrive, you’ll be sweaty and scraped, questioning all your life choices that lead you to this point. But one glimpse of those vivid turquoise waters and your aching muscles will be forgotten.

Stripping down to your swimsuit, you’ll gingerly lower yourself into the frigid water, icy droplets raising goosebumps on your skin. The shock to your system will make you gasp, but the beauty surrounding you will take your breath away. Towering vermilion cliffs, luscious greenery, and cotton ball clouds reflected on the surface of the rippling water.

If swimming isn’t enough of an adventure, you can climb up the side of a small waterfall and jump off into the pool below. Just be extremely careful, as there are submerged rocks you can’t see from above the water. The last thing you need is a broken ankle in the middle of nowhere to round out this idyllic day.

A dip in these rejuvenating waters is an experience you won’t soon forget. Sore muscles and chattering teeth aside, the stunning scenery and thrill of the hike will call you back again. Just maybe pack an extra pair of hiking boots…you know, in case the first pair end up at the bottom of the creek. The hazards of adventure!

man swimming on body of water
Photo by Todd Quackenbush on Unsplash

Birdwatching Along the Creek

So there you were, binoculars in hand, ready to spot some feathered friends along the creek. How hard could it be? The birds were probably just waiting for their close-up. Turns out, birdwatching requires a little more patience than an amateur like yourself realized.

After hiking for what seemed like hours (okay, fine, only 20 minutes) without spotting a single bird, you started to get discouraged. Did the birds take the day off? Were they on strike? On their summer migration to somewhere less infested with mosquitoes, perhaps?

Just when you were about to call it quits, you finally spotted one. A little black and white bird bobbing its head while perched on a rock in the middle of the creek. Success at last! You eagerly flipped through your field guide to identify it—the Belted Kingfisher. You watched in awe as it dove into the water and came up with a small fish in its beak. Majestic.

Buoyed by your victory, you pressed on, keeping a keen eye out for more birds. The creek was alive with feathered creatures, you just had to slow down and look for them. A red and black bird flitting through the bushes? The Black Phoebe. A grey and white speckled bird skimming the water’s surface? The American Dipper. Your patience and perseverance paid off, and by the end of your hike you had spotted nearly a dozen species.

Who knew birdwatching could be so rewarding? Next time you’ll be sure to bring extra bug spray, a compass (you did get a little lost at one point), and possibly a bird call translator so you can have entire conversations with your new feathered friends. They’ll be waiting for you, no doubt eager to show off their latest aerial acrobatics and fishing skills. The life of a birdwatcher is never done!

Capturing Scenic Photos at Fossil Creek

Capturing scenic photos at Fossil Creek invariably leads to misadventures threatening life and limb. You didn’t come here for the faint-of-heart attractions—you came to get the shot. The one that says “I cheated death to get this pic, so you’d better double-tap it.”

Chasing Waterfalls

The crown jewel of Fossil Creek’s scenic spots is the waterfalls. You’ll have to scramble over boulders, ford rushing creeks, and scale slick canyon walls to get the best shots. As you’re teetering on the edge of a 12-foot drop to get the right angle, try not to think about how many bones you might break if you lose your footing. The likes will be worth it, right?

Playing with Long Exposure

Those silky water shots where the falls resemble a foggy dreamscape? You’ll need a tripod, neutral density filters, and long exposure times to get them. Of course, as you’re fiddling with camera settings in the dark, it’s easy to misjudge where the edge of the trail ends and the cliff begins. One wrong step and you’ll get an up close and personal look at those water features. Try not to drop your camera—replacement bodies are expensive!

Chasing the Light

The golden hour light in Fossil Creek is pure magic. It’s also hard to catch because the canyon walls block direct sunlight for most of the day. You’ll need to scramble up rocky trails before dawn and pick your way down in the dark to catch those fleeting rays as the sun crests the canyon rim. Don’t forget a headlamp—you’ll need both hands free to work your camera. And watch out for snakes! (Or was that spiders?)

When the likes start rolling in, you can regale your followers with tales of the treacherous trails, slippery scrambles, and brushes with the danger that went into capturing these scenic shots. The beauty of nature is only heightened when you nearly die getting it, right? Now, who’s up for another adventure? My camera’s charged, and I’m ready to chase the light!

Camping Overnight Under the Stars

Camping overnight at Fossil Creek is not for the faint of heart. If you thought you would casually pitch a tent, roast some s’mores, and wake up to chirping birds, think again. As I learned, this place has dangers at every turn.

After hiking in and setting up camp, my friend suggested we scout the area. “There’s a huge waterfall just a half mile from here. We have to check it out!” Famous last words. We trekked through brush and forest, following the sound of roaring water. When we finally emerged from the trees, an enormous waterfall towered before us, churning and crashing into a deep pool below.

“We have to climb it,” my friend insisted. My internal danger sensor started blaring, but the lure of adventure called. We scrambled over boulders, clawing to the top of the falls while I muttered prayers. After an eternity of perilous climbing, we finally reached the summit. The view was breathtaking, but our triumph was short-lived.

On our descent, my foot slipped on a moss-covered rock. Time slowed as I tumbled downwards, careening off stones towards the churning abyss below. In a flash, my life (and how I stupidly ended it) passed before my eyes. At the last second, my arm shot out and miraculously grabbed onto a branch, saving me from certain death.

My friend eventually stopped laughing long enough to help haul me back up. Bruised and battered, we gingerly returned to camp, humbled by our brush with catastrophe. We opted to skip the s’mores and went straight to bed. The moral of the story? Enjoy Fossil Creek’s natural splendor, but stay away from the waterfalls for the love of all that’s holy. Some adventures just aren’t worth dying for.


And so you’ve survived your ill-advised attempt to scale that picturesque but perilous waterfall, emerging bruised and battered but wiser for the experience. While your ego may be as dented as your tailbone, at least you’ll have a ripping yarn to tell at parties for years to come about how you almost met your maker in Fossil Creek. When the memories of limping back to camp have faded and the lure of adventure calls once more, you’ll no doubt find yourself irresistibly drawn back to this natural wonderland to tempt fate again. After all, what’s life without a few near-death experiences to keep things interesting? Fossil Creek awaits your return, you glorious fool

All You Need to Know in Fossil Creek By Jerry Arizona – YouTube

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